alabasta one piece

While Miss. and One Piece: Treasure Battle! She is also extremely brave and determined, going up against powerful enemies for her friends' sake, even when clearly outmatched. The Rain-Calling Powder and the Rebel Army, Reunion of the Powerful! Luffy asked Vivi who Mr. 0 was, but Vivi frantically told him that he was better off not knowing, although in her panic she accidentally revealed his true identity as Crocodile, shocking everyone in the vicinity. [11] They are interrupted by Mr. 3, who tells them that the Straw Hats and Vivi have escaped him during their time in Little Garden. The doctor is discovered to be on the other side of the island, and Usopp, Vivi and Dalton rush to find her. Vivi left the Straw Hats after defeating Baroque Works to stay in her home country, but is still considered a member of the crew and has been keeping track of their progress throughout the series. While Igaram was assigned the alias Mr. 8 and paired with Miss Monday, Vivi herself became Miss Wednesday and was paired with Mr. 9. Vivi's second outfit during the Arabasta Arc. When Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine arrived, Vivi asked them to take care of Zoro, but Mr. 5 revealed that they were there to take care of a spy who had been investigating the identity of their boss, Mr. 0. Manga Chapters: Igaram protects Vivi after their identity is discovered by Baroque Works agents. This was made very evident when she struggled against a single Bananawani while Luffy and Zoro could defeat a group of them effortlessly. Crocodile says that he will humor Luffy for three minutes but will finish him off once that time is up. At the ruins, the kidnappers were looking for Vivi and one found her. At Arabasta, she started using the longer range Kujakki String Slashers, which carry enough power to behead someone with a single slash. Subsequently, she wears a dark blue desert outfit. Spicy! The King of Alabasta is simply a minor character and the lack of appearances after the Alabasta Arc is due to that, not because he is dead, like many people thought. When they approached the island, Vivi and Mr. 9 thanked the pirates and abruptly jumped ship, much to the crew's confusion. Anime post Vivi still follows her friends in the newspapers, but they have not met since. At Whisky Peak, she boldly tried to kill him and greatly underestimated him in the process. Despite this obvious attack, she stood tall and offered an apology for clumsily bumping into Wapol, impressing Dalton with her diplomatic spirit. Sanji made Crocodile believe he got caught in front of Rain Dinners, prompting the Warlord of the Sea to check out the situation in front of the casino. Luffy manages to awaken enough to grab Robin and Cobra and carry them out before the grave caves in. However, after the events of the Whisky Peak Arc, Vivi and her pet Karoo ended up joining the Straw Hat Pirates for most of the Arabasta Saga once she was discovered to be a spy plotting against Baroque Works. 4Kids English VA: He shows the nearly same level of paranoia about Vivi's safety as Igaram and was relieved to learn of her safety after her time with Baroque Works. The camel, who happens to be a pervert, is given the name "Matsuge" by Nami and joins the crew, giving Nami and Vivi (and only them) a ride on his back. Princess of Arabasta; Pirate (former); Bounty Hunter (former); Frontier Agent[1] (former);[2] Suna Suna Clan Vice-Leader (former)[3] Doctorine continues to tell how Chopper lived his life and how the quack doctor Hiriluk took care of him. Vivi originally met Dalton years ago as a little girl when they attended the Levely, with Dalton as Wapol's escort, and Vivi accompanying her father, Cobra. Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Zoro, and Smoker simultaneously arrived at Rain Dinners, but they all fell for an obvious trap and were thrown in a seastone cage by Crocodile. There, she discovered that the villain responsible for the chaos in her homeland was none other than Crocodile, a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Pell, however, was soon defeated by Miss All Sunday, and Vivi was taken to the Rain Dinners basement. His Name is Fire Fist Ace, Ace and Luffy! Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji quickly dispatched any threatening creatures but berated her for her inability to remember such things beforehand. Against Wapol's Army Corps! She was furious that the CP0 would even allow it. WebWatch One Piece: Alabasta (62-135) The Battlefront of Alabasta! Vivi's Voice Goes Unheard! Vivi has been shown in many forms of merchandise. Rasa is seen giving the princess a wreath. There, the princess attacked Crocodile but could not counter his sand powers, and he informed her that his final plan to overthrow Arabasta was already underway. Fierce Fight of Captain Karoo! After Smoker reports to the government of what happened, they ignore his report and give him and Tashigi all the credit and a promotion. Whenever he is put in danger without good reason, she immediately and vehemently berates the person who did so. Whenever she saw Luffy doing something that might compromise the crew's safety, even when he meant to help, she reminded him of a leader's responsibilities. Here, we learn of their past together along with his son and her friend, Koza,[9] who is currently the leader of the Rebel Army. The crew splits into groups: Nami and Usopp; Zoro and Vivi; Sanji; Luffy, chased by Smoker; and Chopper, who was left behind. When infiltrating Baroque Works, she held her own within the organization, and quickly rose up the ranks within two years. Furthermore, while they cannot erase what happened from history, but they can together rebuild the country. Luffy defeated by Crocodile for the second time. Koza came from behind and hit him with a stick. However, her attempt was ruined when Karoo went the wrong way and fell off the building as well. The following events are Non-Canon and therefore not considered part of the Canon story. As Luffy and his crew are sailing in the Grand Line, Koby and Helmeppo are stuck doing odd-jobs for the marines back in East Blue, and encounter Vice-Admiral Garp. The Arabasta Kingdom participants later arrived at Mary Geoise. [43] A battle starts on the palace plaza and Vivi watches in horror. Meanwhile, before Vivi could give the word to blow up the palace, Crocodile appears. The crew pulls him up and quickly befriend him, mainly due to how entertaining he is, especially with his ability to transform into other people with the Mane Mane no Mi. [45], Vivi headed for a ship docked behind Cactus Mountain but was surprised when Miss Monday appeared and revealed that she also intended to buy Vivi some time by holding off Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine. The Straw Hats leave Yuba in the morning as Vivi wants to return to Nanohana,[11] but Luffy becomes gravely serious and tells her that stopping the Rebels will not get rid of Crocodile nor prevent any loss of life[12] and they should go to Rainbase where Crocodile resides. When they arrive at Arabasta, she is wearing a dancer outfit with a green and yellow top and long skirt (blue and pink in the anime), and a light blue scarf (white in the anime). Unfortunately, Crocodile appears grabbing Luffy by the neck. In addition, they are not the only ones there. Later when she and the Straw Hats landed on Drum Island to find a doctor for Nami, Dalton saw Vivi working towards preventing a conflict between the crew and the townspeople and allowed them onto the island, feeling he could trust them. Vivi is declared the sub-leader of the Suna Suna Clan. 17-24, 8 volumes From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc, Episode of Arabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates, One Piece Desert Kingdom Mascot Keychain/Cellphone Strap, One Piece: Great Hidden Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands, One Piece Romance Dawn: The Dawn of the Adventure, The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet, Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works", Despite her long absence from the series and her separation from ties to the Straw Hat crew, Vivi and. Despite her lack of combat experience compared to the Straw Hats, Vivi has proven herself more than capable of being able to hold her own in battle. Vivi's second outfit in "Boss Luffy Historical Special". This difference in the outfit caused one of her attacks, Miwaku no Memai Dance, to change in the anime, as explained in the article Peacock Slashers. Vivi's attempts to stop the rebel army go to waste, and she is attacked by Mr. 2 Bon Kurei, but manages to escape. Her friendship with him led Baroque Works to fear the repercussions of the pair meeting up again, and they did everything possible to prevent the two from seeing each other. Zoro vs. Baroque Works! Chopper acts as a decoy, using his powers to avoid Crocodile while Sanji destroys the bridge between the Rain Dinners and the rest of Rainbase to ensure that Crocodile cannot return to Rain Dinners right away. Anime pre [10], Vivi was originally antagonistic towards Zoro when she was still undercover as a bounty hunter and Baroque Works agent. Nefeltari Vivi (Viz, 4Kids, FUNImation subs, Odex, Movie 8 dub); A close up of Vivi's face before the timeskip. They are interrupted by Mr. 3, who tells them that the Straw Hats and Vivi have escaped him during their time in Little Garden. After finally been convinced to join the team, Chopper announces his intentions to Dr. Kureha, who does not take it too well; but after escaping from the castle, she has decided to give the whole Straw Hat crew a farewell gift. [49], Usopp calls all the crew mates to the clock tower,[50] but they turn up on different levels (the top can only be reached through a secret staircase at the base), and Pell is shot down by Miss Father's Day, who, alongside Mr. 7, is preparing the cannon. Vivi and Usopp worked well together on more than one occasion and were concerned for each other's well-being. Tashigi demands she releases Cobra, but Miss All Sunday is not prepared to take orders from those who directly take orders from the World Government. The kidnapper and Koza went at each other, but Koza defeated him by hitting his head despite suffering a knife cut to his left eye. The journey is continued, and the Straw Hats finally arrive in the Yuba Oasis, the supposed hideout of the Rebel Army. The Men Who Live Free. As a way to make up, he allowed her to ride on his back as he flew in falcon form and told her that he was always training in order to protect the kingdom. Arriving in Arabasta: The Port Town of Nanohana, Arriving in Rainbase: Crocodile's Plan Unveiled, chapter 165's title page and Volume 23's cover, Miss Goldenweek's "Operation: Meet Baroque Works", From the Decks of the World: The 500,000,000 Man Arc, The Stories of the Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet, Germa 66's Ahh An Emotionless Excursion, Chopper's Kingdom on the Island of Strange Animals, The Giant Mechanical Soldier of Karakuri Castle, Episode of Arabasta: The Desert Princess and the Pirates, Episode of Chopper Plus: Bloom in Winter, Miracle Sakura. Luckily, the water bubbles that Luffy fired fall back down on him re-hydrating him and narrowly saving his life. WebWith a One Piece live-action adaptation coming our way via Netflix, it would make sense for the streaming platform to keep fans hyped up. Vivi tells her history to the Straw Hat Pirates. The First Patient! Koza's father had paid the King a visit, but the boy felt that his father was not saying enough. Having subdued the giants, Baroque Works makes their move. The real Vivi however hid behind a rock and waited for the Straw Hats to distract the officer agents to buy her time. The two became close childhood friends, even co-leading a large childhood group called the Suna Suna Clan. [67] Vivi tended to Karoo, who had frozen himself trying to save Zoro. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. After being nearly eaten alive by one Bananawani, she witnessed Luffy and Zoro defeated a group of them easily, causing Vivi to wail to Usopp about not being able to handle even one. [78] She bathed with Terracotta and a group of female Kung-Fu Dugongs.[79]. Eustass Captain Kidd, respect him 118 120 r/OnePiecePowerScaling Join 7 days ago Toei, WTF is this? After leaving Erumalu, the Straw Hats plus Vivi & Ace continue through the desert, facing the many dangers of it. Chopper distracts Crocodile while Sanji frees the rest of the crew, but find themselves trapped yet again. After trying every trick in the castle, Wapol is finally hunted down by Luffy. Vivi meets up with the group introducing her father to the crew. However, that's not going to be easy with the rest of the crew goofing off as usual. With the Eternal Pose, Vivi and the crew bid their farewells to the giants and set off. While traveling to Yuba, she sends Vivi and Luffy's Sand Sled towards a sandpit, on vain of her unkept promise from when she was a child. When Crocodile returns, he sees that everyone is gone, as they had escaped by going underwater (with Sanji and Zoro carrying Luffy and Smoker through the water because of their Devil Fruit powers). [29], The Straw Hats each face a dangerous battle. Despite Funimation using Japanese name order (surname before given name) for all other characters like Luffy, Zoro, and Robin, Vivi and her father's names are inexplicably flipped into Western name order (given name before surname), so she is referred to as "Vivi Nefertari" in this dub, causing a strange inconsistency. Karoo runs off with her climbing the steep walls of Alubarna but still is pursued by Mr. 2. After she had arrived, she would require the They encountered a group of Kung-Fu Dugongs, who challenged the crew but were beaten by Luffy en masse. [50] On his way out however, he is confronted by Luffy again. [51] The Straw Hats take advantage of being on different levels of the tower as Nami plans on flinging Vivi to the top level of the tower through multiple stations each assisted by a Straw Hats member. Bon Kurei's Hard-Hitting Ballet Kenpo, Nami's Whirlwind Warning! As Mr. 5 was about to reveal the identity of the spy, Igaram attacked him with Igarappappa, leading Vivi to call him by his real name rather than his alias. Soon afterward, Koza left to help his father build a town at the oasis of Yuba. Alubarna is evacuated and the royal army, led by Chaka, is preparing the city for the rebel attack. During the Little Garden Arc, she wears a light green long-sleeve shirt with blue lines, white shorts, and white boots. Vivi's mother, Queen Titi, died many years before the current storyline. Vivi's third outfit in "Boss Luffy Historical Special". The Nightmare Draws Near! Vivi, as Miss Wednesday, and her partner Mr. 9 were sent to try and kill a whale named Laboon for his meat. Nami faces off against Miss Doublefinger and tries to figure out her new weapon that Usopp made, the Clima-Tact. [11] However, as the Straw Hats departed from Arabasta, he seemed unperturbed that they had to leave her behind. She manages to persuade the crew to let her join. Visibly angered, Miss All Sunday easily dispatches the Marine grunts, and defeats Tashigi with her Devil Fruit ability. The group arrives first at the 'Green City' of Erumalu only to find it abandoned to the desert. Revolution is brewing in the desert country of Alabasta, but the Straw Hats and Princess Crocodile is smashed through the roof of the mausoleum, through solid bedrock, and into the air,[55] knocking over several buildings in the process landing the Baroque Works president in the center of the capital. One Piece Odyssey is the latest game developed by ILCA and published by Bandai Namco, based on the hit manga series One Piece by Eiichiro Oda. At the castle, Vivi quickly befriended Rebecca and Leo and later Shirahoshi due to their relationship with Luffy. Drum Island Arc Bon Kurei is then picked up by his own ship and crew and leaves, swearing on friendship. Just as Smoker tried to catch them, Ace interrupted and secured an escape route for the Straw Hat Pirates. [47] As Tashigi struggles for her sword, Crocodile appears, calling her superior Smoker "cowardly" and mocking her and the Marines' ideals of "Justice" before departing again. The Blue-Nosed Reindeer! When the Straw Hat Pirates enter the Grand Line, they're encountering the whale Laboon. In Baroque Works, Mr. 9 and Miss Monday had become close friends with Vivi (as Miss Wednesday) and Igaram (as Mr. 8). Nefeltari Vivi (Viz, 4Kids, FUNImation subs, Odex, Movie 8 dub);Vivi Nefertari (Funimation dub) Vivi brought up several royal references which instigated Dalton to become suspicious of her background. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for One Piece: The Princess and the Pirates - Adventures in Alabasta Movie #8 [Blu-r at the best online prices at eBay! During the timeskip, Smoker would express his frustration over the ordeal to. Wapol is determined to bring down Hiriluk's flag, and to do that, he engages Sanji, Luffy and Chopper in a fight. Straw Hat Pirates, Vivi, and Karoo show their friendship mark. When they reached Drum Island, she was able to persuade Luffy not to attack the villagers, showing how much trust he had in her. Prehistoric Island! Meanwhile, the other Straw Hats hurry to locate the bomb before it goes off. Nami interrupted the battle and scolded Luffy and Zoro for nearly making her lose out on 1,000,000,000, prompting Vivi to ask why they were saving her. To keep the nearby Marines from recognizing Vivi as their ally, they said only a silent goodbye to her, showing the marks on their wrists as a sign of their friendship. She and Nami also became very good friends. Vivi does not fit the stereotype of a needy and authoritative princess, never demanding any special attention or prioritizing herself above others. As they ventured around the island, the three soon discovered something even larger than the dinosaurs. Nefertari Vivi[8] is the princess of the Arabasta Kingdom. WebAll about Alabasta in One Piece Location Alabasta is located on Sandy Island which is a Summer Island. Miss Wednesday and Frontier Agents of Whisky Peak gathered to capture the Straw Hat Pirates. Igaram appears with proof of Cobra's innocence, as well as Koza telling everything. [35], Luffy revealed to Nami a Log Pose he found after they dumped the Mr. 9 pair, but Sanji broke it almost immediately when he kicked Luffy for eating his entire elephant tuna. Vivi is also very close with her pet, Karoo the spot-billed duck. After hearing the story of Laboon the whale, Luffy comes up with a clever solution to his problems. The Demons that Live in the Scorching Earth, Here Come the Desert Pirates! Right then Vivi thinks about the only place that would be useful for launching such an attack: the clock tower, which used to be a hideout for Koza and her other friends. Crocodile is now determined to end it once and for all, releasing the golden cover to reveal a poison hook.[49]. Koza Flies the White Flag. The Battle will be in Alubarna! Rush!) Pell and Chaka defeated the rest of the kidnapping crew shortly thereafter. Alias: The Doctor Who is Called a Witch! 62-135, 74 episodes(4kids dub: 44-98) This technique has been proven to be extremely useful, as it defeated the two frontier agents of Baroque Works. [69], The Straw Hats finally reached the desert kingdom of Arabasta, making landfall at the port town of Nanohana. [66], Dalton, Vivi, Usopp, Zoro, and the villagers started their ascent to the castle via a hidden ropeway, not arriving until after Luffy defeated Wapol. When meeting the Straw Hats, she managed to persuade Zoro and Nami into protecting her from the Baroque Works agents after her cover was blown, and even persuaded Nami against charging her for their protection. Vivi would later apologize for her father's mistake and promised to make things right. Cobra triggers a destruction effect on the grave to keep the secrets safe, but Crocodile points out that he can easily escape with his ability. He was embarrassed when it was found, and when Vivi learned about it, she was sad to cause one of her subjects pain unintentionally.[25]. For an Unwavering Dream! Doublefinger's fight with Nami was challenging, Zoro is having an even more difficult time fighting Mr.1: A man who can change his entire body into steel - something that Zoro cannot cut. Vivi met with the rest of the Straw Hats on the foot of the wall and went to search for the bomb with them and Pell. [55], Meanwhile, Miss All-Sunday and King Cobra go in the hidden Grave of the Kings and find the poneglyph. [57][58], Luffy awakens after three days of sleep, demanding food immediately. Luffy and Sanji must take Nami to the island's sole doctor who lives on a mountain-top. The jungle island fascinated Luffy, not only because of the adventure it could provide, but also because it contained all sorts of prehistoric animals, ranging from saber-toothed cats to dinosaurs. Crocodile goes to end it with a hidden knife in his hook. [1] Suddenly, they steer through a hot spot (an undersea volcano making the sea above steaming hot), Usopp and Luffy catch Mr. 2, who coincidentally took a similar course, on their fishing rods. Albeit severely beaten and bruised, Usopp and Chopper have finally defeated the Mr.4 team. The old citizen turns out to be an old friend of Vivi's, Toto. Vivi and Nami explain what Dance Powder is and what it has done to Arabasta. Vivi takes Luffy's advice, and the Straw Hats head towards After hearing the story of Laboon the whale, Luffy comes up with a clever solution to his problems. When he awakens, a magnificent banquet is thrown for the pirates, then, the Straw Hats are invited to enjoy the hot spring steam room inside the palace. Spirit of the Fakes! Kappa, heavily wounded, is spotted by rebel soldiers, and seeing what the "king" has done, Koza decides to launch an attack on Alubarna.[17]. WebA Basquiat painting soared 2,209,900% when it was bought for $5,000 and sold for $110,500,000 in 2017. When traveling with the Straw Hats, she even showed an impressive, and almost comedic amount of skill in keeping the more childish members of the crew (Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper) as well as Karoo, focused, calm, and motivated during their travels together. During the Post-Enies Lobby Arc, she wears a light pink shirt with dark pink lines and figures, and a white skirt. The "Arabasta Saga"[1] (, Arabasuta-hen? However, she was startled when Miss All Sunday appeared on the ship and mentioned having just met Mr. 8, leading Vivi to realize that she was the one who blew up Igaram's ship. At the beginning of the Arabasta Arc, she wears a pink short-sleeved shirt with blue shoulders and a drawing of three X on a line. Before joining the Straw Hats, she had another attack, first seen being used on Zoro: the Miwaku no Memaii Dansu, in which she performs a hypnotic dance utilizing the concentric patterns on her outfit. As she and Nami ran through the streets, Vivi wondered where Karoo was, only to be shocked and somewhat annoyed to find him already on board the Going Merry. Luffy accepts her offer to join the crew, but the rest (excluding Sanji) are suspicious of her. She was walking with Karoo and Matsuge, carrying a newspaper as the two animals ate apples. Crocodile reveals his invincible Devil Fruit power. As they have been together since childhood, the two have an exceptionally strong bond, and he is willing to do most anything for her, though this bond does not stop Vivi from scolding him when he disobeys or misunderstands her simplest orders. The volcano erupted again, signaling the next match, and neither Vivi nor Luffy could stop Dorry from going to battle. [36][37][38][39], Zoro faces against Mr. 1 where Zoro has to confront and overcome his lingering problem of being unable to cut steel before striking down Mr. [61] In the end, Vivi chose not to come with them, but came to wave them goodbye, holding her speech over a Den Den Mushi. Zoro, Chopper and Luffy manage to get themselves lost and stumble across some huge underground ruins. Sky Island Saga. When Miss Monday showed up and questioned whether they should have thrown that party for the Straw Hats when the town was already short on food to begin with, citing the Mr. 9 pair's failure to get the whale meat, Vivi and Mr. 9 defended themselves by claiming they had tried their best. Previous Saga The two great warriors of Arabasta, Chaka and Pell, have always watched over Vivi. After another adventures on Little Garden and Drum Island, the Straw Hat Pirates and Vivi reach Arabasta, Vivi's home, where a war is about to take place, caused by Baroque Works' head, Mr. 0.

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